• p.21 2.1 Formulação das estratégias
• p.22 2.2 Desdobramento e operacionalização das estratégias
• p.23 2.3 Formulação do sistema de medição do desempenho
• p.25 3.1 Imagem e conhecimento mútuo
• p.30 4.2 Gestão das informações comparativas
• p.31 4.3 Gestão do conhecimento
• p.42 7.1 Resultados relativos aos cidadãos-usuários
• p.48 7.7 Resultados dos processos de apoio e organizacionais
• knw04.Ongoing.CL3: Analyze and use knowledge gained from sourcing activities.
• p.30 PO1 Define a Strategic IT Plan.
• p.30 PO1.1 IT Value Management. Work with the business to ensure that the enterprise portfolio of IT-enabled investments contains programmes that have solid business cases. Recognise that there are mandatory, sustaining and discretionary investments that differ in complexity and degree of freedom in allocating funds. IT processes should provide effective and efficient delivery of the IT components of programmes and early warning of any deviations from plan, including cost, schedule or functionality, that might impact the expected outcomes of the programmes. IT services should be executed against equitable and enforceable service level agreements (SLAs). Accountability for achieving the benefits and controlling the costs should be clearly assigned and monitored. Establish fair, transparent, repeatable and comparable evaluation of business cases, including financial worth, the risk of not delivering a capability and the risk of not realising the expected benefits.
• p.30 PO1.2 Business-IT Alignment. Establish processes of bi-directional education and reciprocal involvement in strategic planning to achieve business and IT alignment and integration. Mediate between business and IT imperatives so priorities can be mutually agreed.
• p.30 PO1.3 Assessment of Current Capability and Performance. Assess the current capability and performance of solution and service delivery to establish a baseline against which future requirements can be compared. Define performance in terms of IT’s contribution to business objectives, functionality, stability, complexity, costs, strengths and weaknesses.
• p.30 PO1.4 IT Strategic Plan. Create a strategic plan that defines, in co-operation with relevant stakeholders, how IT goals will contribute to the enterprise’s strategic objectives and related costs and risks. It should include how IT will support IT-enabled investment programmes, IT services and IT assets. IT should define how the objectives will be met, the measurements to be used and the procedures to obtain formal sign-off from the stakeholders. The IT strategic plan should cover investment/operational budget, funding sources, sourcing strategy, acquisition strategy, and legal and regulatory requirements. The strategic plan should be sufficiently detailed to allow for the definition of tactical IT plans.
• p.30 PO1.6 IT Portfolio Management. Actively manage with the business the portfolio of IT-enabled investment programmes required to achieve specific strategic business objectives by identifying, defining, evaluating, prioritising, selecting, initiating, managing and controlling programmes. This should include clarifying desired business outcomes, ensuring that programme objectives support achievement of the outcomes, understanding the full scope of effort required to achieve the outcomes, assigning clear accountability with supporting measures, defining projects within the programme, allocating resources and funding, delegating authority, and commissioning required projects at programme launch.
• p.38 PO3 Determine Technological Direction.
• p.52 PO6 Communicate Management Aims and Direction.
• p.60 PO8 Manage Quality.
• p.64 PO9 Assess and Manage IT Risks.